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1. 赵得瑞,翟英娇,李金华,楚学影,徐铭泽,李雪,方铉,魏志鹏, 王晓华,基于花状MoS2微米材料的葡萄糖生物传感器的制备及其性能研究,无机材料学报,2016,31,153-158SCI 4区)

2. Y.J. Zhai, J.H. Li,X.Y. Chu, M.Z. Xu , F.J. Jin, X. Li, X. Fang , Z.P. Wei, X.H. Wang, MoS2 microflowers based electrochemical sensing platform for non-enzymatic glucose detection, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 672, 600-608

3. Xue Li, Jinhua Li, Kai Wang, Xiaohua Wang, Shuangpeng Wang, Xueying Chu, Mingze Xu, Xuan Fang, Zhipeng Wei, Yingjiao Zhaiand Bo Zou, Pressure and temperature-dependent Raman spectra of MoS2 film, Applied Physics Letters,2016,109, 242101

4. 翟英娇,李金华,楚学影,徐铭泽,金芳军, Preparation of Au-MoS2 Electrochemical Electrode and Investigation on Glucose Detection Characteristics, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale,2016, 287-290

5. J. H. Li, X. Li, X. H. Wang, J. X. Hu, X. Y. Chu, X. Fang and Z. P. Wei, Preparing molybdenum disulphide by vapour deposition, Surface Engineering,2016,32, 245-251(SCI 2)

6. Y. J. Zhai, X. Y. Chen, J. H. Li, X. Y. Chu, M. Z. Xu, F. J. Jin, X. Li, X. Fang, Z. P. Wei and X. H. Wang, Preparation and properties of Ag doped ZnO nanorods with N plasmon treatment, Ferroelectrics,2016,505, 43-51(SCI 4)

7. Tianyu Li, Fangfang Li,Zhanlong Li, Chenglin Sun, Junhong Tong, Wenhui Fang, Zhiwei Men, Influence of strong and weak hydrogen bonds in ices on stimulated Raman scattering, Optics Letters,2016,41, 1297-1300

8. Shenghan Wang, Wenhui Fang, Fabing Li, Nan Gong, Zhanlong Li, Zuowei Li, Chenglin Sun, and Zhiwei Men, Dynamic high pressure induced strong and weak hydrogen bonds enhanced by preresonance stimulated Raman scattering in liquid water, Optics Express,2017,25, 31670-31677(SCI 2)

9. Yang Wang, Mingze Xu, Jinhua Li, Jiangang Ma, Xiaohua Wang, Zhipeng Wei , Xueying Chu, Xuan Fang, Fangjun Jin , Sol-combustion synthesis of Al-doped ZnO transparent conductive film at low temperature, Surface & Coatings Technology,2017,330, 255–259(SCI 1)

10. 翟英娇,楚学影,徐铭泽,李金华,金芳军,王晓华, ZnSCu-罗丹明B的荧光共振能量转移性质,发光学报,2017381028-1032EI 期刊)